Hypnea esperi Bory de Saint vincent


Hypnea esperi Bory de Saint-Vincent


The thalli ate intricate-cespitose, forming prostrate clumps that are always mixed with other algal species, greenish and reddish whan dried. Branching are somewhat irregular; main axes are cylindrical, measuring 348 - 546 µ in diameter, supporting numerous delicate long and filiform ultimate branchlets which are terete, acute at the tips but sometimes bifurcate; these are 740 - 1955µ long and 95 - 172µ in diameter; tetrasporangia are zonate, oval 34.4 - 44.2µ long, 23.3 - 31µ broad and are borne in stichidia formed near the tips of the ultimate branchlets.

Distribution : Lakshadweep

Ecological status : Mangrove swamps and Intertidal zone.

IUCN status : LRnt

Uses : It is edible and is prepared as salad with sliced tomatoes and onions.

Cultivation: Lecel 4

Existing Cultivation: None